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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Fusing Experiment

A new lesson comes out tomorrow for the "Focus on Fusing" today I played around a little more with strip fusing.

I wanted to do a rainbow spectrum (surprise surprise) but the transitions felt a little harsh in my first draft. (I didn't take a picture at that point.)  So I overlayed some narrow strips to make it flow a little better. I can see in this photo where it's still a little harsh but I think some top stitching will add more interest and help a with the transitions.

I decided to add black
and white strips.

I haven't actually framed it....I just set the matt and frame on top to 
check it out...I think there's potential for something interesting. 
I'll try some machine quilting at some point.


  1. The black and white stripes remind me of the challenge you did with Marilyn. Looks great with the black frame

    1. ...the challenge with the suns? I'm not sure what I'll do with this yet...we'll see as I move along with my fusing.
