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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Cozy Guesthouse

While we were on Deer Isle we stayed at a cozy guest house set back in the woods owned by Jean and Dud. Their house was nearby but the guest house was situated such that it was very private. It was a lovely spot and walking distance from the water and Dana and Anne's house. It was a real treat and a nice little get-a-way spot. And...did I mention there was a hot tub?
Right outside our door was a buoy tree...I loved the splash of color!

I printed a few of my photos and made a simple collage thank you card....I'd forgotten how much I love to puzzle photos together. I do so many collages was nice to work with actual photographs again. Per usual I outlined all the edges of the photos in black marker giving each piece a nice little frame.


  1. Mary Ann being the recipient of a wonderful, keepable card
    i certainly would like to comment with a big Thank You!
    It was our pleasure.

    1. A big THANK YOU right back at you. Still hanging onto fond memories of our stay in your lovely guesthouse.
