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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Poppy Progress's where I am with my class project for the "Sticky Fingers" glued collage project with Ellen Lindner. The class pattern was poppies....but I changed it up a bit drawing from several different images I found on line. The background is all glued....but the poppies are actually just tacked. I'm still mulling it over but I may add a few pieces of tall grass and a few that cross over to give it more texture.  I actually cut out some leaves that I may play with a bit....but I'm not sure they're right...or needed.

Here's how I got there...

I started with a blank canvas...and lots of blue rough cut scraps. Everything is glued down and top coated with diluted medium using a foam brush. 
My first plan was to have a point of light...working out into the darker blues....but after some feedback from the instructor and a closer look...realized it looked more like a hole. And the dark fabric was too stark. So I covered up the light spot...and softened the dark area.

I actually cheated just a bit...using skills from the last class.  I fused my flower motifs ahead of time so I could more easily audition them on the piece.

Here are the leaves...and a few buds...also fused. I'm far enough along that I may sit with it a bit before I finish it up.  It's an interesting process...and I'll reflect on it a bit more when I shared my finished piece.  I do think the mix of fusing and glueing could be really useful for me. 


  1. Beautiful MaryAnn but why not fused but gluded? It is only a question no criticism

    1. Elly….is your question why not fused rather than glued? If it is…I think there are different applications for both…but here are good things about glueing. For the back ground it was nice just pulling blue fabrics without having them pretreated with fusible and plain fabric was easier to use Ellen’s crinkle cut method. Once it’s glued…the edges don’t fray and you glue it right onto the canvas so when it’s done it’s done. It DOES change the fabric….and turns it into more or a painting or a collage and it was super easy to cover a mistake. I wouldn’t use it when I really wanted something to be soft and look more like a quilt. This is also the reason why I might fuse the flowers on the glued background….makes them stand out more…they will look softer. The disadvantage is that you can’t top stitch….which makes a big difference. I’m going to try another glued project where I do either a modern art piece….or a landscape where I want it to look painted. If it wasn’t your question…then clarify and I’ll try again. The bottom line is I just like trying new things….I never know what I’ll stumble on that might work for me.

  2. Hi MaryAnn, I have been thinking about you and slowly getting an attention span back so I can read blogs. Haven't kept up with many since the fire. Love everything I have been seeing. Where do you find these online art classes? I love the poppies piece.
    In rebuilding and choosing pieces for my new house, I have been keeping your beautiful colors in mind. For instance my new couch is a teal tweed with like nubs of orange and lime in the nubs.
    I am having fun, but paint was nerve wracking. It's so nice to start reading these beautiful words and thoughts on mt favorite blogs again. I am currently in Marblehead, my son and his family relocated here from la in April. Dale

    1. So nice to hear from you Dale! I'm so glad you're having fun rebuilding and decorating your home. I will respond more in detail in an I'm not sure you will see this. But thank you for coming back to the blog. It's people like you that make it that much more fun for me. You have made my day....once again!
