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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Star Progress

I've spent little chunks of time here and there on my fused star's a slow work in progress.

After I made the first red star point (with the mistake)...I moved on to a green/yellow one. I sketched a plan for the other colors....then totally changed my mind.  I have a tendency to default to the whole rainbow spectrum quite often. But when I saw the red and green together I decided to keep this whole star in the reds and oranges. I'll use the other one in a green/blue scheme.

So here's where I'm at.  I have three points done...and am working on a 4th.  As I move out to the edge I don't need a whole point because it will be wrapped around to the back of a square canvas. This is how I can hide my mistake on the first point. I don't like the transition of that bottom point to the one next to it...but I can move them around or add another fused strip and make it flow better as I go.

This shows how I don't need to have the strips make a whole point...because it will wrap to the back. I will straighten out the line when I know exactly how much I need to wrap.

It may look like a bit of a mess...but I do think I have it figured out...and I'm looking forward to putting it together and getting some stitching on it. But that's for another chunk of time.

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