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Monday, October 17, 2016

"Sticky Fingers"

The fusing class has officially ended and silly me signed up for another on-line class. I guess I'm what you'd call a life-long learner. But house and gardens need major this is the last class for a while. Probably.

This class is just one project over a few weeks...and I'm actually coming into it a little late.  It's called "Sticky Fingers" taught by fabric collage artist Ellen Lindner.  She uses a variety of raw edge collage techniques but for this class we will actually be glueing the fabric with diluted gel medium. It's kind of like decoupage.  

Ellen creates interesting backgrounds and compelling designs. I love this vibrant leaf quilt which is the feature quilt on her website:  

"I consider making art to be an adventure: one filled with challenges, joys, frustrations, and surges of adrenalin."  Ellen Lindner

Another one of Ellen's raw edge collage quilts.

I have been following Ellen's blog for quite sometime now. As a matter of fact several years ago I did a spread in my Pinterst inspired journal inspired by on her work. They aren't masterpieces by any stretch....I was just experimenting with her technique of raw edge collage...pinning the pieces in place then top stitching.  No fusing. Stay tuned for my "sticky fingers" experiment. I'm willing to try anything.  Well...almost anything.

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