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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Creative Energy....

...Round Two.

In June of 2015 I shared that we were putting our weekend home in South Portland, Maine on the market. I titled that post "Creative Energy" and wrote about getting the house ready to show.

We could have easily sold the house at that time...but after a blip in the process we paused and decided to hang on to it. We originally bought this house as a weekend get-a-way...not really thinking about retirement because it seemed so far down the road. But that road doesn't seem so long any more.

During this past year and a half we tackled a few projects and once again took a good look at this house. Was it the right house for retirement?  For a variety of reasons we came to the conclusion that it's not. In late August we sold it to a wonderful family who is very excited to make it their new home. We have been on hold for several months while they worked on selling their home. But it's finally time...the closing is just around the corner...and yesterday was moving day.

My fusing projects are patiently waiting and my sewing machine sits idle, but I believe creativity is at work in almost all that I do...even household chores. Much of my creative energy over the past few months has quietly gone into this house process. I've been assessing our stuff...what do we keep...what do we let go of....what goes into storage...what comes home to Lexington. Everything came off the walls, the holes all got filled, and the paint touched up. I want this new family to walk in and have it feel like home...fresh, clean, and ready for their paint colors and personal touches. I have been putting a lot of my creative energy into this house once again....this time making it ready to be someone else's home.

 In the mean time I love our home in Lexington and will welcome more time to tend to it and the gardens.  And...there's so much to explore around the greater Boston area. What lies ahead is exciting...and when it's time I most certainly will be sharing the process of making a new house a home...this time one that we'll settle into for a LONG time. We just have to wait for the right one to come along....hopefully not too far from Bug Light Park. We have time.


  1. A little sad. The people moving in are very lucky; you put so much love into the house

    1. Thanks Becky! It's always nice leaving a house better than you found it.
