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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Man Named Pearl

Have you heard of a man named Pearl?  He's pretty special.  I first learned about Pearl Fryer from a "Super Soul Sunday" episode on the Oprah channel a while back.  

Pearl is a self taught gardener who has made it his life's work to create a garden sanctuary in his yard. He embraces hard work and positive thinking not letting any obstacles hold him back. Many of his plants and shrubs are rescued from compost piles.

You can watch a short video of his inspiring story here.

Pearl's name came up again a month or two ago when Linda told me she was having this quote from Pearl made into a sign for her husband David's garden for Christmas. David also strives to create not just a garden...but a feeling....a sanctuary with meandering paths, special little spaces, and surprises tucked here and there. 

Here are a few photos of David's gardens and secret spaces. All this just steps away from the beach in Maine.

Linda sent me a photo of the sign a 
few days's going to be a great 
addition tucked into David's garden.

Brilliant idea Linda! Pearl would be proud!