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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Turned a Corner

My trip home is just around the corner....and Margie has turned a corner. She just felt better today in every way! She had her post-op appointment and got the thumbs up that things are going well.

I finished Langston's wild and crazy Christmas present.  I will report on that later but here's a sneak peek using part of a United Way mailing and a Bed Bath and Beyond coupon.

We delivered Margie's gifts to Betty and Alice and the four of us had a nice visit and even played a game of dominos. They seemed pleased.

And...the puzzle is done....actually it was done a few days ago. There are so many things in life that are on-going...that don't have a clear end. But a puzzle is not one of them. It's already boxed up and ready for the next time...and there will be a next time....this was a fun one!

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