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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Church Fair Crafts

I met Marian at the Foreside Community church, my husband's first church in Falmouth, Maine. She was one of the first to welcomed us and her whole family took us under their wing. She will always have a special place in my heart.

Just this morning Marian sent me this picture below...and it took me on a trip down memory lane. Foreside Church has a Christmas fair every year selling trees, baked goods, and hand made items.  I used to be part of a group that made crafts for the fair...surprise surprise.

This is Marian's collection of items I made over the years for various fairs.

I had forgotten all about these little nautical angels with shell wings and starfish halos.  I love the wild wooly hair.

This little Santa ornament was made from the old pew cushions covers.

I made lots of snow family groups and in miniature.  I still have some of the supplies....the scraps of wool for the scarves and pom poms and stretch knit for the hats. Marian has three this was the perfect set for her.

And cornhusk dolls...oh my...that was a phase. The grouping below is actually at Margie's house that I set out this past Christmas. As you can see it's the same as Marian's up above. Margie's angels were having trouble standing so while I was there I soaked the skirts in warm water and dried them over a glass and now they stand good as new.

This was fun Marian....thanks!  Nothing like good old fashioned church fair crafts!

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