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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Mixed Media Challenge

When I visited Lynn this last summer in Madison I came home with a project. These two pieces were "works in progress" and seemed prime for mixed media Lynn sent them home with me. I'm going to do something with the grid for her...and something with the circles for me. They've been floating around my house for a while so I thought I would get started. I actually like having several projects going on at the same gives me thinking time.  (Or at least that's what I tell myself.)

Because I had more options for framing I decided to make hers more of a I cut off one row.  I may be able to use the piece I cut off in some creative way on the piece.  I wanted to accentuate the grid so my first mixed media element was machine stitching with black thread.  

My simple but effective way of dealing with the threads is to wrap them to the back and secure them with scotch tape.  Eventually I will glue the piece to a backing which will secure them even more. 

I do have a few ideas....but let's see where this goes. 

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