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Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Focused Fifteen Followup

 every day in February I've put in my "Focused Fifteen"....fifteen minutes on some sort of organizing project. Some days it has turned into a much more...other days it's been just fifteen...and I have missed a few. But it's been fun to be reminded how much can actually happen in just a few focused minutes. I have cleaned and organized drawers and cupboards, been going through my closet, and made progress organizing my craft room to name a few. I often send my friend a before and after picture because it keeps me more accountable.  It's been a good thing....maybe I can keep it going.

Today I tackled another odd drawer in the kitchen that holds tapes and glues and various other things. I threw a bunch of things away and put things that didn't belong back in their proper place.

Way in the back of the drawer I found a bag of precious "found" heart rocks...many of them from Paul.  I'm going to keep them out and figure out a way to display them.  This one is nearly perfect...and yes I actually found it this way on a's about the size of a quarter.

I'm pretty sure they'll live on this shelf in my living room for a while.

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