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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Focused Fifteen

Every once in a while I need to remind anyone who reads this blog that I'm a terrible editor.  For some reason the draft of yesterday's post got published rather than my final copy...which somehow didn't even get saved. I did go back this morning and fixed it up a bit...but it was better last night. Be patient with me and look past my mistakes. Because after's about the joy!

I am not the most organized person. Mostly I laugh it off saying it's just who I am and Paul lovingly puts up with it. But sometimes it drives me crazy and actually holds me back. In of the things I know about myself is that I am motivated by external accountability.

So starting today a friend and I are going to get a little more organized in the month of February doing what we're calling the "focused fifteen." We are going to try and spend at least 15 minutes a day focused on one organizing task or project and check in with each other in the evening. Longer is great...but 15 minutes is the goal. If it doesn't work out on a particular day that's OK too....the rules are loose.

I can do this! Tomorrow I'm going to spend at least one minute cleaning my timer.

I may report in once in a while...especially with projects that are a little more creative in nature....but here's my first 15. I've wanted to clean and organize the ridiculous tool drawer in the kitchen for at least a year....and it only took 15 minutes.

I have had that little round box with the bears on it since I was a kid.  I don't have much from my childhood so what I have I hang on to.  It holds my picture hanging nails.....and I love that during this 15 minute exercise I celebrated that silly little box.

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