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Friday, February 10, 2017


I am quite fond of my niece Clarke. I got to know her better while she attended college in Boston and she is the one who helped me start this blog. She wrote the first post and her pen and ink drawings have appeared here several times. She's now on a new adventure as an AmeriCorps volunteer and just began her program in Sacramento, California working for FEMA. She has started her own blog called Ten Months in February on Tumblr chronicling her adventure and I look forward to following her journey.

It cracked me up when she posted this on her blog the night before she left home:

Here are her the Q-tip brush! I wonder what she would have come up with if she shopped my house.

Way to be "hands on" Clarke! ha ha
And way to be resourceful!

In case you are interested...this is her blog post that explains her interesting title.