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Monday, March 20, 2017

Children Welcome

I may have mentioned before that I really enjoy the view from my puzzle table. Looking ahead there's a shelf filled with some of my favorite things...

...and to the left I have a window where I can watch the weather or the world go by.  And I even have a view of the TV is that's what I want. It's a good spot.

Sitting in front of the bookshelf is this sweet little antique bow back chair. Years ago Paul and I acquired two of them from Brookmeade Congregational Church in Nashville, Tennessee.  We lived in Nashville for six years while we went to graduate school and Brookmeade is where Paul worked as a youth minister and where he was later ordained. One chair sits here in our home and one sits in Paul's office at church. In both places we want our message to be clear...."children are welcome here."  

I will admit that I love collecting children's books and toys. But mostly I love sharing them the kids who come to visit. I have a whole shelf of books...several baskets of toys and trinkets and all kinds of puzzles and games on hand ready for my little visitors.

Yes....children are welcome here.

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