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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Farm Block

While I was in Wisconsin I spent a little time with my sister LaVonn and I offered to help her with a project. She was given a quilt block to make for a memory quilt in honor of her brother-in-law who passed away. She knew she wanted to do an image of a farm...but wasn't really sure how she would approach it.

Fusing seemed to be the I brought it home and spent my afternoon tackling the little project.

I think some hand stitching and/or embroidery would be really nice. There is space in the sky to add some writing...and/or she could add some flowers...or even a little fence.

Also...maybe I need to add a window in white stitching.

I found a simple barn coloring page on line to use as my pattern. The block came with the purple border.

I chose a few greens for the foreground and a blue cloud fabric for the sky. The striped border was in response to an "oops" but I think it gives it a happy frame. My original background ended up being too small and looked I added the border rather than start over. 

 Everything is fused...but just in case this quilt gets washed I stitched all the edges. I especially like the way the sun turned's the best part. 
Is it a work of art? No 
Are there things I would have done differently? Yes
Will it work? Yes, I think it will....or at least I hope it will. 
Was I happy to help my sister? Absolutely!

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