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Thursday, March 9, 2017


"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light and winter in the shade." Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

I've used this quote before...but today was another one of those blustery March days. My windows were rattling in the wind but the sun was warm on my face.

Speaking of March....I've been thinking about the Folt Bolt color scheme for this month. I'm not especially fond of green and yellow together but I going to give it a go and try and come up with another little collage.

This time I'm starting with some of my textured papers....but will incorporate mixed media. The Granny smith apple image is from a magazine...I may or may not use it...but it's certainly part of my inspiration.

Stay tuned!

And...happy birthday to my sister LaVonn....13 months older than me. We were buddies growing up...and we are good friends now.  Her kitchen is a beautiful granny smith apple green.

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