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Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Today was a snowy blowy stay inside kind of day.  I tried to tackle a few chores...but mostly I played with my current project and worked on my slow moving jig saw puzzle. Becky gave me the little "joy" hanging on the bottle while I was in Wisconsin and this is where it has landed for now. Thanks Becky!

I like the texture that stitching gives a project whether it's paper or fabric. But...

...if I were to do this again I wouldn't do the stitching going both ways on the center square.  This works really well on solid fabric...but not so sure it works as well on this busy mixed media strips. I would really like a pop of color but I'm being loyal to the Folt Bolt March color scheme which is pretty monochromatic. 

I'm auditioning other mixed media elements...but it was time to set it aside for a few days and mull it over. 

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