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Sunday, April 2, 2017

Field Trip

I spent the morning with Connie who, by the way, is holding her own....some good days...others not so good. I sit with her a few hours every day helping her with a meal or whatever else she needs.

One of my favorite Connie paintings
Sometimes we visit a little...often I just sit quietly while she sleeps. Last night we listened to Willie Nelson...he's one of her favorites. Spending time with her continues to be one of the most important things I do.

But this afternoon I went on a little field trip with my friend Martha equipped with my paint fans to help her pick a paint color for the kitchen in her house on the south shore. I love talking about paint colors and it's always fun seeing Boston from the other side of the bay.

One of the best parts about going to Martha's house is getting to see the carvings done by her husband Rob. He carved the little "Joy" that moves around my house but has a permanent spot on the top of my blog.  I wrote about Rob and Martha here
"Be kind whenever possible.  It's always possible." Dalai Lama  
"Where there is discord, let us bring harmony."

And it's always fun to see a work in progress! Thanks Martha for a fun field trip...and thanks Rob for the eye candy! the way...we did pick a paint color.

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