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Monday, April 17, 2017

Middle of History

"What a glorious morning for America"  John Adams

It's Patriot's Day....a big day for Lexington, Massachusetts. And it seems to be a good day to celebrate my colonial ducks...probably Paul's favorite gift he has ever given me. You can read that story here.

My house is situated right near the the Patriot's Day festivities....and kind of in the middle of some of it. Just a few doors down one way is the Hancock Clarke House which was one of the destinations for Paul Revere and William Dawes' midnight ride. They were headed there to warn John Adams that the Red Coats were coming. And a few more doors down the other way is the Lexington Battle Green....where the rag tag group of Minute men met the British and the first shots were fired starting the Revolutionary War.  

It's our little piece of history and helps keeps our town vibrant and bustling....there will be events and parades all day. was a gloriously perfect spring day today!  
Patriot's Day also means that it's time for the reenactment. At 11:30 last night Paul Revere and William Dawes rode past my house shouting and I could hear the whole thing play out as they reenacted their warning at the Hancock Clarke House.

Then, early this morning about about 5:45 the bell rang and I could hear the muskets and shouts from the Battle Green.'s not a great night for sleeping when you live in the middle of history.

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