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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Secret Nook

Today was my last full day in Minneapolis.  It was beautiful so Nancy and I were out and about enjoying it most of the the city...and out in the yard.

This interesting bamboo trellis is tucked in a nook along the side of Nancy and Craig's house hiding their air conditioning unit. Craig added a back lit metal sculpture that his brother made. It also has a kiwi plant growing on it and I think it's really unique and beautiful!

This secret nook has a fish pond with a little water bubbler feature and a lovely sprawling lilac.                                                                                                  

I snuck out in my pajamas to see what the sculpture looked like at night.

Also tucked back in on the lilac is this sweet little bird house.
There's a great view of the nook from the pergola and it was finally warm enough this afternoon to enjoy it. They have wisteria and grape vines growing on the pergola and Craig made this canvas cover and attached it to the underside. 
He rigged it so it can slide to one side when it's time to harvest the grapes.  He's a clever one!!!   
It's all so beautiful when the gardens and vines are filled's a pretty special place.

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