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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Window Sill Love

I've said it before...I love my kitchen window sill.  I change it seasonally and like to snip things from the yard to add to my rooting plants. Today I added little snips from the spirea bush in the back yard.

Aren't those tiny yellow stamens just a delight?

It may be silly....but one of the things I checked out in every single house we looked at in Maine was the kitchen window sill. And, I'm happy to report that I got one that will work just fine. And...I also will admit that we looked at one particular character filled house that I fell in love with. was too expensive and needed too much work...but it had the best kitchen window sill ever. I was really conflicted.
I put two and two together a little later in the day that I have a view of my neighbors spirea too! That's kind of fun!

You can check out photos of some of my seasonal window sills here.

I have a great story about my window sill when we lived in Madison, Wisconsin....but that's for another day.