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Friday, June 30, 2017

Hello July!

I submitted my June project just in time and it was featured on Folt Bolt's Facebook page today as Kriszta said goodbye to June and hello to July.  Last I checked it had 1000 likes and 194 shares. Social media is a crazy thing.

The July Scheme is just oranges and yellows.

My mom let us paint a bedroom in this scheme when I was younger...kind of scares me to think about it now. I also had a fuzzy tangerine orange winter coat at one point...hmmm.  As a young adult I hated orange....but have grown to appreciate it more as I have gotten older.

What keeps popping into my head are lilies....and I have a couple of ideas. It's going to be a bit of a challenge without any green but I'll it figure it out.                                                    
Day lilies are in full bloom right now...and come in all these colors.  I can't help but think of my sister LaVonn's fence line on the farm in Wisconsin....always in full bloom in July along with Tim's spectacular sunflower field. You can check both out here in this post
Hello July!

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