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Saturday, July 15, 2017

Gentle Reminder

Paul and I had a "Field Trip Friday" yesterday and our destination was a lovely wedding in Farmington, Connecticut. The reception venue had beautiful gardens and grounds....including this splash of orange lilies. It was a gentle reminder that I need to get going on my July project. I can't believe the month is already half over.

Today we're back in Maine for a little stretch and I took a break from cleaning the paint sanding dust and played around with a lily.

I drew a little pattern using the only things I had at the condo....a legal pad and a pen.  I cut fabric petals and fused them together.

I like it...but I'm wondering if it's too small. It's going to look a lot better outlined. Tomorrow I'll play around with a background and some sort of vase and that will help me decide if it needs to go bigger. I could also add a few simple buds.  

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