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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Going Green

For the kitchen in the condo I'm going green....a bold citron green. I'm in Lexington today....but Pete is painting today.  I'm not afraid of this color....I've used something similar somewhere in 4 houses in a row. It was my kitchen color in Madison...and I really liked it.  I love my sister LaVonn's green kitchen and Connie used to have dark cabinets like mine and her kitchen was green...and I loved it too.  

I knew it would be OK when I held it next to my favorite tiles in my Lexington kitchen that will eventually hang in the condo. Here they are below hanging in Madison. The new green is a little different....I didn't paint a sample so we'll. I'm going back up tomorrow to check it out.


There's not a whole lot of wall space in the I think the green is going to make a nice frame for the dark cabinets and the bay window. Looking out to the dining room/living room is the green will be a nice pop of color.

The picture below was taken a while ago before the main area was painted and now I have a new fixture over the table.  I'll share the "after" soon! 

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