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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Settled In

I got this small hydrangea bush from a friend about 7 years ago...and the poor little guy has been moved a few times.

At first I had it in a spot that didn't have the right light...then a spot it liked but I never saw it. Finally a few years ago I moved it to the front corner of my house where I can see it...and it gets just enough sunlight. It has finally settled in and is performing beautifully this year. Every day it seems to change a little.

I think a whole range of colors are possible with this one based on the acid in the soil. I moved its twin to South Portland a few years ago and last summer that one bloomed more purple.  One particular bloom on this bush has lovely purple centers....I think the purple is wanting to come out. So many shades on one bush....such a treat! 

I'm quite fond of buds just before they open....I'm always amazed at how much nature packs into a tiny little bud bundle.

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