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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

What's the Buzz.... Gallery Blink?  Another exhibition called:

I checked out the new show yesterday afternoon and per usual it was just a delight. It included art inspired by flowers, fields, and the honey bee. There were little honey bee decals scattered here and there on the walls...such a special touch.                                                                             

I love this large collage piece by the home/gallery owner Gillian Ross that was hanging over the mantle. The details in each room are incredible and Gillian makes all the art look like belongs. 

The little touches and details pulls everything the little book above called Stung Again. You can't really see it but there are a few sunflower playing cards sitting on the mantle. Jars of honey were scattered around as well as pieces made of beeswax. You have to make the rounds several times to see everything. 

Inspired by the rosy pinks, purples, and reds in my Condo inspiration rug...I made a little purchase.  I have admired Dora Hsiung's woven art work at every show. Many of her pieces are large and wonderful....but this time there was a small 5 by 7ish piece that seemed to be calling my name.  I loved the colors and the dimension.  It will remain in the show for a few more weeks then it gets to go to its new home in Portland. I'm not quite sure exactly where it will go....but it will have a special little spot.

It's hard to tell from the picture...but the piece is very dimensional.....each square is convex....or is it concave. You get the idea. I love a splash of color!

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