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Monday, August 7, 2017

Ever Changing

There are a few gardens Anita and I like to check out on our morning walks and I'm grateful she remembers where they are. I actually started a draft about this garden back in June when the clematis was in it's full glory but I never finished it because other things presented themselves to write about. But this morning we enjoyed round two of this ever changing fence line garden.  It's easy to just walk by....but each time we paused and celebrated the colors and blooms.    

Here is what I wrote in June: 

This fence line garden is one of my favorites...the clematis and hydrangea are in their full glory. There will be different blooms all season long and is quite a treat for us walkers.

Here are some photos from today.  Last October I wrote about the coleus and dahlia explosion in this same garden. It's clearly one of our favorites.

A mid summer clematis and a beautiful mass of cone flowers is so pretty along the picket fence.
I'm not a big gladiola fan....but the colors are intense and the blooms are amazing when you take a close look.


A tiny clematis?  I think so. It was so dainty and sweet and I love the two tones of pink.
I planted some New Guinea impatiens for the first time this year. Next time I'll look for variegated because these are lovely and will coordinate nicely with my rain lilies.  
Speaking of rain lilies......they took a little break but looks what's coming at my house!

The summer is rounding the corner....but the gardens are still going strong!

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