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Monday, August 28, 2017

My Turn

Yesterday morning my nephew Fred headed out rested, refreshed, and ready to finish his journey on the Appalachian Trail. Helping him, mothering him, and connecting with him was a wonderful gift.

reunited cousins

1500 miles down....700 to go

Yesterday afternoon I attended a beautiful service of celebration honoring the life of Constance Devereux.

Connie was deeply and richly woven into my day to day life. Over the years I've been her decorator, gardener, craft buddy, problem solver, caregiver, shopper, scheduler, and most importantly companion and friend. The funny thing is that with all those roles she had to choose from....she most often introduced me to others as her "minister's wife." Yes, I was that too. I loved her.

Reinventing my life without Connie will be will be MY new journey. It's my turn. 


  1. Beautifully written, my friend. A journey that was meant to be traveled together.
