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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Two Journeys

I'm going to take a little break from the blog and pay attention to a couple of important things.  I'm fine....and I'll be back soon.

One of the lotus blooms at Connie's nursing facility
was blooming today....and it was spectacular!
My nephew Fred has been hiking the Appalachian trail since April. He started in Georgia and has made his way to Massachusetts having walked about 1500 miles. His journey has been wonderful and life changing but it's also included injuries and set backs. But he keeps walking.  I will have to admit that I don't fully understand this kind of extreme physical experience, but I totally respect his dedication and determination to finish. He's learning things about himself and the world that will help propel him into the next phase of his life.

My dear friend Connie has been on a different journey during the very same time frame. Back in March I shared in this blog post that she entered Hospice care. She's had ups and downs, good days and tough ones....but she wasn't ready to quit. She has loved life and hasn't wanted to miss a minute of it.

Fred will be taking a break from his journey at some point later this week and stay with me in Lexington. He will rest, eat some home cooked meals, and be "mothered" for a few days. He and my son are the same age and spent time together as they grew up and Sam will join us for some of this time. I will enjoy seeing them together...listening to their banter.

Connie is in what is called "transition" before the end of her journey and she seems to be resting comfortably. Her family is rallying around her and the rest of us who love her are on call for whatever is needed to fill in the gaps. I love Connie's family and have gotten to know them pretty well over the years. I enjoy seeing them all together...listening to their banter.

I will admit at first the timing of these two journeys coming together at the same time seemed could I be attentive to both? But they are happening at the same time and there's enough time and energy for both.....but it's time to pause and pay attention.

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