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Monday, September 25, 2017

"Creative Work"

"The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their creative power restive and uprising and gave it neither power nor time."  Mary Oliver

Paul sent me this quote yesterday and it made me tear up a bit. I love Mary Oliver...but mostly I love my husband who supports and celebrates the "creative work" that feeds my soul. I'm not so sure he's actually celebrating the found objects (trash) on display in the kitchen and shriveled plants and decomposing fruit in baskets and bowls all over the house....but he certainly is supportive and extremely patient.  Thanks Paul!

This week it's all about color.....and one of the exercises is to pick a color every day and look out for it in unexpected places. Today I looked for aqua while I was on a walk with Anita.

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