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Saturday, September 23, 2017

September Seed Pods

It's the time of year for seeds and pods and beautiful fall colors.  For my September Folt Bolt color scheme project I was inspired by the lotus seed pod.                                                                                                               

Way back at the beginning of the month I made the seed pod motif and cut out this fusible "joy."  I liked them both....but I struggled with how to make it work in a small design...they were both big design elements.  I set the project aside for a while....but it was time to make it work.

I finally abandoned the colorful "joy" because I was too attached to the seed pod motif.  It may show up somewhere else.

So now I have the basic layout fused and the machine stitching done. I'm auditioning buttons and other details and's time to do a little hand stitching and finish it up.


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