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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

"There Was a Little Girl"

I can't resist these sweet little pumpkins this time of year. 

As a matter of fact a year ago almost to the day I posted about a pumpkin  on my window sill.

I had a silly conversation with the checkout guy at Trader Joe's about my love for a good curly made him chuckle.
But he was more humored (or maybe mystified) when I discovered an even better detail while standing there at the checkout. A long fiber from the vine was still attached and curled around the stem ending in a delightful little dangling swirl. I wouldn't let him put it in the bag....I hand carried it out out of the store. It's the little details that make a difference.

The curl reminded me of the poem "There Was a Little Girl."  Anyone remember that poem? My mom used to recite the first stanza when we were younger. I hope I was never actually "horrid"....I certainly don't think so.