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Sunday, October 29, 2017

October Scheme

I'm going to repeat a quote I've used before from the book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert...

"Allow what you do to be stupendously imperfect....done is better than perfect!"

I do love Folt Bolt's October color scheme....but I'm a little iffy on my outcome. I squeezed it in here and there this month so it feels a little scattered. I can see so many things I would have done differently....but that's part of the learning process. I'm a life-long learner.

I have loved so many things about this year long project. It has pushed me to be creative every month and has challenged me to work with a scheme that might be a little out of my box. 

Now I just have to remember to apply some of the lessons I keep learning....I missed some of them on this one....but there's always next time!  And it's OK if it's "stupendously imperfect!"

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