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Sunday, November 12, 2017

Background Stitches

Several years ago I stitched this blackwork sampler (actually did it in navy blue).  I was intrigued with the repetitive patterns and variety of stitches. I wrote about here in this post.

When I was thinking about my November project I wanted to have a part I could do while I was here with Margie in Colorado since the month would be 1/2 over when I got home. Blackwork stitching came to mind...very portable so the perfect travel project.  I thought a sampler background would have a collage feel....and be very different from anything else I've done. 

This is the basic idea....a stitched sampler background with fabric for the foreground and a small vase of fused posies in the color scheme. And of course it will include a button or two and maybe a few beads. I'm going back to the 6x6 it's a tiny little piece.                                            

This is where I was moves along pretty fast and I'm getting more done this evening. I will admit that I'm not 100% sure how it's going to work when I add in fabric elements....but I'm enjoying the stitching. We'll see.

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