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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Happy to You!

Today is Paul's birthday and as we say in our household..."happy to you!" It's how our son Nate said happy birthday when he was little...and it stuck.

Just a month after Paul turned 4 he got this book Train Coming for Christmas from his Aunt and Uncle. the story is told he read it out loud to the class when he entered kindergarten. He's always been a bit of an over achiever.

I love that Paul has lots of things from his childhood...books, vehicles, and little doo dads. My things got passed down to nieces and nephews before I got a chance to retrieve them as an adult and I'm a little sad about that.
I do, however, have one book...yes, just one.  It's called There's an Elephant in the Bathtub and it's about a little boy with a wonderful imagination.  

The binding was in pretty bad shape...but it's all I had and I loved it.  Much to my surprise one year for my birthday early in our marriage Paul secretly had it rebound. It's probably one of the most thoughtful gifts I've ever gotten.

Happy to me!

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