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Sunday, November 26, 2017



Yesterday Paul and I had the privilege of joining my dear friend Connie's family at Mount Auburn Cemetery for the burial of her ashes. It was good to laugh, cry, and share our memories of this dear woman.

Mount Auburn Cemetery is 174 acres and spectacularly beautiful all seasons of the year. Connie loved it there.

The minute I got out of the car I was greeted by lovely fall urns at the main entrance complete with lotus pods and I knew this was the right spot. The lotus plant at her nursing facility was a source of comfort for me during her last week ...I blogged about it frequently.  You can read one of those posts here.

My son sam recommended we climb the tower in the middle of the
cemetery and enjoy the great view of Boston. That's just what we did.

I think this should be a seasonal was spectacular!
If you are interested here is a link to a Steller Story I created with some
additional photos:

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