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Monday, December 11, 2017

Do it!

"The most effective way to do it, is to do it."  Amelia Earhart

It was a good "do it" kind of day. One of the things I did was play around a little bit with the base fabrics for my December Folt Bolt project.

I had done this rough little sketch several days ago....and I'm going with it more or less.

I built up layers of solids and batiks along the bottom. As of now I think I'm going to wrap the whole thing around the paint panel so that's why there's the wide solid at the bottom. I will make that decision a little later. I am wondering if it will be better with some sort of a border.  As I write this I'm thinking I might add a border just around the gray at the top....hmmmm

If I tighten up the photo....this is the view that will be on top of the panel...with the bottle of pine sprigs on the right.  Tomorrow I'll add the batting and top-stitch. I've said it before....and I'll say it again..."stitching makes all the difference!"

I wanted to keep the top very simple so the hand stitched pine branches will really stand out.

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