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Friday, December 29, 2017

Now What?

I've said it before...and I'll say it again...2017's monthly Folt Bolt color scheme project was good for me. I liked the challenge of a new scheme each month....even then single color ones.  I enjoyed the mixed media aspect and seeing what new twist I could come up with. And that I stuck with something for a full year kind of surprised's not my usual pattern.

I do think it helped that I submitted to Folt Bolt each month...I often need external accountability and a deadline. I had some busy stretches....but I know there's alway room in our lives for things we really want to do....especially things we enjoy.  We should MAKE time for them.

I knew I wasn't going to do anything with them until I finished the whole year...and here they all are. I like some better than others and I don't think they look good all together as a group.  And...just for the record I do think they look better in person if anyone is interested.  But I am proud of them...if not just the shear accomplishment of the project. But now what?  I've got a couple thoughts about what to do with them....but like most things I'm going to mull it over.  And what about 2018?  Stay tuned.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Denise! I appreciate the kind words.

  2. Congratulations! These are really fun and I'm so impressed that you did all 12. I enjoyed watching the process posts and I'll be interested to see what you do this year. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Christine! There's going to be a lot of JoyfulPuttering in 2018!

  3. I think I like May and December the best. Its too hard to decide. Nice job.
