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Sunday, December 31, 2017


Happy New Year! I'm excited about 2018!

I love my new studio in Maine....when I'm there I feel like a queen. When we were looking for a place and we walked into this room Paul was sold. It was the kind of space he always wanted me to have....and the kind of space I dreamed of.

I brought some artwork up from Lexington....including a couple of cross stitches. One was made by my friend Patsy which confirms it....I'm a crafting queen. The other one, however, suggests that I'm a little wild and wacky.

I did have fun putting this wild and wacky bulletin board wall together....full of colors and snippets....all gathered over time. Several artists are represented here and I'll probably point things out over a few posts....but a favorite item is Connie's watercolor paint pallet at the bottom. And her white console underneath is just perfect. you see the handmade gift tags you gave me a while back?


  1. Replies
    1. I'll send you a "before" less tidy picture. I'm still a crafting slob.
