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Friday, January 19, 2018

Magnificent Chaos

This quote is reassuring!

The last couple of days have been magnificent in an organized chaotic kind of way. I've been bringing a lot of my craft supplies from Lexington up to the studio in Maine over the past month or so and it was time to spend some time organizing. I was distracted by interesting papers, fabric, strings, and buttons....what Anita and I call the BSO (Bright Shiny Object) syndrome. I did a little of this and a little of that slowing down my main project making a little more mess. It's just the way I roll.

So all I have to show for my time are a couple of rainbows: a little quilt I'm auditioning fabric for and some beautiful vegetables Janice prepared tonight. 

Dinner with Dana and Ann last night....stitching with Jane this afternoon...and dinner and cards with with Jay and Janice tonight were nice breaks from my magnificent chaos. All is well.

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