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Tuesday, January 30, 2018


I'm excited to report that I signed on for my second little art show during the month of May at Dr. Adams office in Lexington. To help me get back in the swing of things I worked on the little mini quilt I auditioned fabric for a few weeks ago.

I was inspired when I found this rainbow scrap in my stash left over from another project...and it just happens to match the Folt Bolt January scheme.

This was my basic plan...very similar to a large one I made a few years ago. "Keeping it simple" is my mantra.

I think this is my favorite batik.  It works with any scheme and makes a really nice little accent stipe. I still have about a yard....but I'm going to keep my eyes open for more...or something similar.

This little quilt was fairly simple to piece it's just 8 by 10. I may have over topstitched....but I'm just getting my mojo back. I had a few issues with the binding but I did finish it this evening. I'll follow up here tomorrow.

You can see that it really is the twin to the 12 by 36 piece I made a couple of years ago for the last show. It may be hard to tell but I even used the same little strip of that great batik.

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