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Thursday, February 8, 2018

Clinches It

I have auditioned, stitched, and ripped out several different pieces for this 1st quilt....and this morning was no exception.  

When I walked into the sewing room in the light of day I decided to change the little green grassy piece in the picture below.  I love that fabric....but it will have to wait for another project.                                                                                
Since the beginning I thought I might want to use a little piece of my favorite striped batik in all the more thing that would tie them all together.  

But I wasn't sure it worked in this one until this morning when I auditioned a part of it with more blue. It works on a couple of has all the colors in the whole series....and the stripes mimic the stripes in the Kaffe fabrics.  Win Win.

I like how it leads into the next two schemes on the right...and it most certainly will lead into the two schemes on the left. So this clinches it....there will be a little piece of my favorite rainbow batik on all seven quilts.  

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