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Saturday, February 17, 2018

Nice Little Pair

I'm looking forward to working on and hopefully finishing these two little quilts in the next couple of days.  I just shared the plan for the second one with the star...and here is the basic plan for the third one. They actually make a nice little pair and will hang together like this.  I'm still wondering if the dark orange in the bottom one is too strong....but it leads so nicely to the next one which will be oranges and reds. We'll see.

I was away in Maine for a full week and surprised to see absolutely no snow in the yard in Lexington....but more on the way tonight.  I took a little walk...and this was my "found object" for the day....gotta love a bright red reflector. It's time for a bigger jar.    
I loved seeing the rainbow flag flapping in the wind as I walked by the Unitarian Church on the Green. This church is just so pretty.

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