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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Painting Projects

I stayed in Maine a little longer than our usual weekend so I could tackle a few projects and work on things for the show. I got a little frustrated with my sewing machine I switched to painting. The sewing may have to wait until I'm back to my better machine in Lexington.

Last night and today I prepped and painted two coats of a soft gray in the upstairs bathroom. It comes off the purply/blue bedroom so it needed to be neutral...I pulled the color from the countertop.  I've been wanting to tackle this for quite some time....and having these extra days gave me the push. I think the nautical/indigo blue art and towels look really great with the gray.  I'm excited to hang a few things.

This watercolor by Lynn is one of my favorites!  Some day I'll have all of Lynn's artwork here...I'm already thinking about where things will go.  

I also painted two coats of black on all the edges on my repurposed canvases.  Since the quilts will cover the middle....there's no need to waste paint. It's not very creative....but it's all part of the process.

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