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Sunday, February 4, 2018

Savoring The Finish

I know I've mentioned before that I like to savor the end of a puzzle. This Frank Lloyd Wright one has been one of my favorites and I stretched the finish out over several days....just because I could. The gold accents made it special and the geometrics and color variety made it fairly simple.

Sometimes I wonder if blogging about puzzles is silly. But a friend just asked if I could get her a two just like this one from the bookstore in never know what someone might connect with. So I guess you're stuck hearing about my love of puzzles. Melodee...I think you'll love this one too.
My little quilt and the puzzle looked pretty good together.

I have some good options for the next one....but I think this one's the winner.

So many little details...and so different from the last one. It may help with my sewing mojo.


  1. Looks fun! No savoring for me. I wouldn't be able to sleep. Most of my puzzles are completed in the wee hours...

  2. I know....I think about you every time I delay.....and I chuckle a little bit.
