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Thursday, February 15, 2018

Stuck At Home

I can get a lot done when I'm stuck at home without a car. The post should actually be called "unstuck at home." I've painted some shelves....put hooks in the closets....hung some pictures, rearranged some things....cleaned some things....and made a big colorful mess in the studio.  And I've watched a couple of movies and had visits with good friends. Life has been good stuck here at the condo for the week...but I'm glad Paul arrived today. And I'm happy to report my car fixed and ready to pick up on the way home on Saturday.

I've decided to add a little quilt block to each quilt in my series....and here's the block for the blue and green one I've been working on. I've put that one aside until I get to Lexington to do the topstitching on my better machine. 

I finalized the layout for the next one. Here's the little pile in progress for the small quilt block....doesn't look like much yet.....


But here it is laid out.....

...and here's the block all sewn together. I think it's a sweet little wonky star.  The stripe will be the nod to a tree...but I think I'm keeping this one simple....just the trunk.
Today my little joyful puttering blog reached 50,000 views.....who knew!

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