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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Artsy Vibe

Once of the realizations I came to during one of my recent wakeful nights was to get a little more artsy with my quilt series. I'm not the best quilt maker...especially piecing and machine quilting so I need to rely more on creative techniques and embellishments. I need to take the best of what I learned from my year long Folt Bolt projects and apply the techniques to these quilts.

I'm actually kind of chuckling as I write this.  I have just admitted that I'm not the best quilt maker....but I've chosen to do a quilt series as a focal point for my show.  What was I thinking???

One of the next quilts in the series is a 10 inch square and will be in a purple scheme. I found the inspiration I needed on Pinterest and got a good start this morning.

I am trying not to be too literal....but still giving a nod to trees on each one.  I thought the design of this small quilt by Ruan Robertson resembled a row of trees. When I saw it the first thing I thought of was that the square shapes in the middle could be different greens...and "attached" rather than pieced in. I could work my Kaffe stripe into the rows at the bottom.

I jumped right in.

I had two coordinating Kaffe stripes I alternated with some purples to create the bottom panel. I used the quilt as you go method...sewing the wonky strips right onto the batting. Although it wasn't needed....I still ended up adding a little top stitching after to define the rows of tree trunks even more.

I didn't want raw edge fused squares....but I took advantage of some hand dyed fabric I already had fusible webbing on one side and turned the edges and created some little (cheating) applique squares.  The orange strip will be used on one of the other quilts.

I finger pressed the folds then carefully tack them with the tip of my iron.  If you touch the sticks instantly and really messes up your iron.  Once it was tacked I could flip it over and press it better on the non stick paper backing I had saved.  It won't stick to that "release" peals right off.

I did get some glue on the iron...but it came right off by rubbing it with a dryer sheet while the iron was hot.  I think that might clean off any gunk on your works like a dream. I learned that in my fusing class.

The nice thing about this technique is that each little square has a little exposed fusible webbing on the back.  This will allow me to fuse/tack them in place. 

They will still need to be stitched on but a little lose edge will give it some dimension. I'll have to play around with that....I may even add a button here and there.  I decided to add in a few of the mini striped batik squares for variety and texture. I like that every quilt in the series will have some of the same fabric elements making it more cohesive: The Kaffe stripes, the Moda Grunge polka dots, and the striped batik.  
This is where I left it....I actually think I like it. (the greens aren't as bright as they look in this picture)  I need to quilt the top purple panel then figure out the arrangement and how I'm going to attach the squares.  I think it has a fun...artsy...collage type vibe....just what I was going for!  

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