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Thursday, March 1, 2018

Circle Connection

Paul and I came up to Maine yesterday afternoon and other than a walk this morning, pausing for meals, and an evening domino game...I've been in the studio all day.  There a lot to share but it will have to wait because the very best part of my day was a blog comment and e-mail exchange with Lynne from North Carolina.

Lynne was inspired a while back by my circles and squares collage experiment and did one of her own. She used a wide variety of materials including vintage ledger paper, greeting cards, magazine pages, Gelli monoprints, and of course buttons.  I love everything about it. The scheme is fun and the random but ordered layout is so playful! Well done Lynne! Thanks for sharing!

I love interacting with other artists....I always learn something.  Lynne's piece reminded me how important the negative space is....and the ledger paper is so interesting and really makes the circles pop.  Also, the occasional simple single circle and button is a nice touch.  She also shared that when you are working with collage papers that tend to wrinkle you can lightly spray them with water to relax the paper.  I'm certainly going to try that next time!  Thanks Lynne! I love that we connected through circles!

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