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Saturday, March 3, 2018


I'm quite fond of rituals...and it's become a ritual to change up the bulletin board in the studio when I change the calendar page. I find a few things in my stash or rearrange things to honor the color scheme in 5ftinf's table arrangement. For March Philippa featured pink tulips and purple hyacinth....a refreshing sign of spring. 

This new ritual takes just a few minutes and it gives me a chance to celebrate color, someone's art or just a little snippet.  This time I'm featuring one of my favorite Connie watercolors. This is just a copy....but it's one of my treasures and it goes nicely with the calendar page.

The other little cut-out is from a Papyrus greeting card.

Little rituals like this are a perfect example of my joyful puttering! 

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