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Wednesday, April 25, 2018


"Whatever it takes to finish things, finish. You will learn more from a glorious failure than you ever will from something you never finished."  Neil Gaiman

It was a rainy day today....and all of a sudden the tiny little daffodils at my back door popped open.  I love these little guys....and I actually also love a rainy day.

The purple quilts have been almost done for a while but now they're actually finished.  I touched up the black on the canvases....gave them a good pressing and carefully glued them down. Now they just need names.

I think I've mentioned I've been rethinking a few of the first quilts I've done for this series. Inspired by both purple quilts I started a new orange/green one yesterday and I think I'm going to like it better. These are just the pieces and parts...I'll have a finished product to share soon.

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